I’ve teamed with dozens of romance authors to bring you two amazing sales. Grab these deals while they last!
First, I’m proud to be part of the FALL INTO SAVINGS sale, an event sponsored by some absolutely top-notch authors. Check out the fantastic 99¢ sales while they last: September 14-17 only! Get those deals HERE - including my very own Desert Hunt and Uncharted. Even if you have those titles, it’s a good time to share the tip with your friends!
Second, there’s the exciting one-day STUFF YOUR KINDLE sale of FREE books - dozens of them! That’s September 15th only, HERE. You can pick up a free copy of Desert Blood (which doesn’t go on sale often - as in, ever!) and Off the Charts (the prequel to the Serendipity Adventure Romance series, which makes it a great way to test a new series for the first time).
Remember, the best way to thank authors for bringing you these great deals is by leaving reviews of their books, so don’t be shy! Even a few words can give a writer a boost and help spread the word of a book you enjoyed!